The Cartoon Gospels - Revised Edition

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This is the The Cartoon Gospels (lectionary passages from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) were never so much fun to read! The Cartoon Gospels contain cartoons that bring out the humor in the Bible through the use of cartoons as sort of visual parables. Jesus used parables - humorous, short, memorable stories that convey truth. Cartoons that are visual parables are simply cartoons that attempt to do the same thing ... bring out biblical meaning in a fun and memorable way. Hopefully with the help of a humorous visual aid you will see new aspects to the scriptures that may otherwise be missed. This revised edition of The Cartoon Gospels completes a more uniform set along with The Cartoon Old Testament and The Cartoon New Testament.

The Cartoon Gospels

Full-Color Paperback Deluxe (8.5 x 11") Revised Edition $29.95

Kindle Full-Color eBook Revised Edition $14.95

Full-Color Paperback ISBN is 978-0-9848872-9-3
and the eBook ASIN is B0BX4MT2YB
February 2023

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Keywords: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Cartoon, Gospel, New Testament, Diesslin, Humor, Commentary, Bible, Lectionary, Musings, Theology

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