A Tribute to TCDC Cartoonist Kevin Edler

(TCDC - The Cartoon Days of Christmas)

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all were quite smitten,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a kitten;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Kevin Edler's cats would soon be there ...

I am sorry to report that one of our TCDC cartoonists and good friends, Kevin Edler, passed away on January 7th of this year. Kevin's TCDC cartoons are featured below and were always a fun and touching at the same time. He joined us for our 2nd annual TCDC in 2004 and contributed every year since, including 2008. Although I never met Kevin, we e-mailed, IMed a lot, and spoke on the phone occasionally. He was a gentle spirit and very nice guy.

I believe cartoonist Larry Miller (a.k.a. Mr.N) may well have been the one to introduce Kevin to our annual project. They had been chatting on cartooning for a long time. Just some background on TCDC: it was started over 6 years ago as a way to express the true spirit of Christmas (and lack there of amidst the hustle and bustle of the Holidays) and a promotional opportunity for the participating cartoonists. We did add an online gift shop a few years ago. The modest fees made on sales from it go to the participating cartoonists, although since Kevin was on disability, all proceeds he made he donated to the running of the site. So you can add honest to his list of virtues!

We first learned of Kevin's passing just a few hours afterwards from his nephew Joe. He wrote "I googled his name and found that he had been working with you. This is something I never knew about him. I always thought he had drawn only for enjoyment and was wondering if you could give me any info on this or other things that he had done." Hence this tribute. The official obituary can be found here which states in part "Kevin Edler EDLER - Kevin, of Bohemia, NY on January 7, 2009 in his 53rd year. Beloved husband of JoAnn. Loving brother of Clare Schaefer (Bruce), Joseph (Margaret), Frank (Margaret) and Michael (Sue). Adored uncle of many nieces and nephews."

Obituaries only give a quick set of facts, but his niece Mary answered our request for a bit more insight into Kevin: "... he passed surrounded by family. My sister and I held his hand till the very end. He had surgery on 12/31/08 and just could not recover. He was a wonderful person. Kevin sent hand-made Christmas ornaments to the family every year. He made us all personalized baby gifts. He loved watching movies and was very good at trivia. He also loved doing magic and belonged to magic clubs. He played poker, collected trains, and as you know was a great artist." Most of which we had not known! Kevin and I started exchanging Christmas cards a few years ago, and one year I received a reindeer ornament as well! So, from the brief contact I've had with Joe and Mary, I'd say "Adored uncle of many nieces and nephews" was right on target.

So, Christmas this coming year just won't be the same without Kevin, but we know that he is somewhere even now cheering folks with his cartoons and other many interests! Take another look at the many cartoons he did for us over the past few years and note the quote at the end! As you will see, Kevin was our cat, kitten and reindeer specialist!

Thanks Kevin for all your good cheer and unique look at the true spirit of Christmas!

[Also, if you knew Kevin and would like to say a few words to his family or just want to read more about him, here is the guestbook link to do so!]

Kevin Edler - TCDC 2008

THEMEs: Snowflakes, Cats, Prisoners, Reindeer and Snowmen!
(pretty much goes full circle doesn't it)

Think Big!

Cuteness, pun, cuteness, pun, cuteness, pun ... okay YOU decide <g> ...

So this is that guy! (and right where he belongs too) ... ;)

Don't ya just hate it when that happens?

Cartoon Cool Stuff

Possession is nine tenths of the law ...

Cartoon Cool Stuff

File this under "Things not to say to the Mrs."

Kevin Edler - TCDC 2007

THEMEs: Reindeer, Presents, Santa and Elves!
(pretty much sounds like Christmas doesn't it)

If it's one thing reindeer don't like it's overused old sayings!

Cartoon Cool Stuff

Well, let's see there's the ghost of Christmas past, future and oh yeah ...

Cartoon Cool Stuff

This one will soon be hearing from the Department Store Santa's Association!

And of course, there's always a joker at every team meeting, even with Elves!

Kevin Edler - TCDC 2006

Rudolph and Elf Themes!

Rudolph Learns a hard lesson about teamwork ...

Cartoon Cool Stuff

Discrimination or Safety or Just Plain Government Interference?

Cartoon Cool Stuff

Someone is off their meds ...

Kids these days ... so skeptical ...

However in an attempt to explain the glow ...

Kevin Edler - TCDC 2005

A look into the use of Reindeer and Alternative Modes of Transportation!

And you thought herding cats was tough, try getting them to work as a team and pull something!
Cartoon Cool Stuff

Poor Santa ... some days are just tough! What hit the fan? Kitty litter of course!

Apparently reindeer are not a protected species!

I always just assumed it was a exothermic reaction caused by too many cherry PopTarts!

Kevin Edler - TCDC 2004

'Twas the Night Before Christmas (ala TCDC)
(apologies to Major Henry Livingston Jr. or Clement Clarke Moore!)

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all were quite smitten,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a kitten;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Kevin Edler's cats would soon be there;

Cats that Won't Stay Out of the Tree
Cartoon Cool Stuff


Santa Claws is Coming to Town

Holy Cat's its Christmas!

Merry Christmouse!

To friends and family of Kevin, we leave this parting thought ... which coincidentally was used on the back of the bulletin at his funeral:

Of course nothing I can say or do will fill the hole now in your life. But perhaps this quote, from a Church of England cleric, may give you some comfort.

Death is nothing at all. I have slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone, wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed, at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Pray, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect, without trace of shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as if ever was, there is an unbroken continuity. What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner.


-Canon Henry Scott Holland (1847- 1918)

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