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Amazon.Com Author Index
The Will of God by Leslie Weatherhead - a non-trite construct for understanding God's Will Prayers of the Domestic Church by Edward Hayes - Prayers for every occation in the household Gospel Food for Hungry Christian: Mark by John Shea - Tapes that walk profoundly through the Gospel of Mark Faith Journey Through Fantasy Lands by Russ Dalton - Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Christianity The Daily Study Bible : New Testament Set - William Barclay - great commentary on each book of the New Testament The Torah : A Modern Commentary/English... edited by Plaut - A very good commentary on the Torah/Pentatuech God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality by Phillis Trible - An excellent use of rhetorical criticism broaden our understanding Zen and the Birds of Appetite - Thomas Merton classic, a discussion on the mystical aspects of Christianity and Zen Buddhism - with DT Suzuki World Scripture : A Comparative... - A very good exploration of major world religious texts on various topics, ignoring the the Rev. Moon references, it's a nice collection The Five Gospels : The Search for the Authentic Words of Jesus - Very interesting modern translation of the Gospels with the Gospel of Thomas included The First Coming: How the Kingdom of God Became Christianity by Thomas Sheehan - Very thought provoking and challenging look at Jesus' Teachings Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality by Donald Miller - an sort of interesting "hippie fundamentalist" look at Christianity The New Interpreter's Study Bible: New Revised Standard Version With the Apocrypha edited by Walter Harrelson - Good study bible with a scholarly yet accessible commentary How Jesus Became God - Bart D. Ehrman - good historical criticism on how Jesus came to be though of as divine.
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