The-Cartoonist Presentations

School Visits | Retreats/Workshops | Portfolio

Visits to Schools, Churches and Other Organizations

Rich Diesslin
Cartoonist and Illustrator

Rich is a cartoonist mixing subjects of interest with humor to create illustrations. His main focus is religious cartooning. However, since that is a very exclusive market, he also keeps busy developing general cartoons for his newspaper and web "Out to Lunch" general comic, scouting cartoons for U.S. Scouting Service Project, as well as other freelance projects. His goal is to entertain and inform.

He has experience working with youth from grades K-12 through cub and boy scouting, church, working with his own kids' schools and volunteering at the local children's hospital. He is no stranger to college and adult groups, as he was a consultant for over 20 years making numerous presentations and leading retreats and seminars.

Rich has a Bachelor's degree from Purdue University, a Master's degree from the University of Dayton, and learned everything he knows about drawing from his art teachers in elementary, jr. high and high school!

Selected Books (see all books here):

Out to Lunch: Cartoons with an Appetite for the Ridiculous, February 2012, 92 pages, Paperback, Kindle, ebook versions.
KNOTS Cartoons, Celebrating the Fun in Scouting, Dayton:DiesslinPress, April 2010 ISBN: 978-0-9702244-8-4, 80 pages, full-color paperback.
The Cartoon Old Testament, Dayton:DiessslinPress, June 2011 ISBN: 978-0-9702244-9-1, 160 pages, full-color eBook and Kindle Book.
A Journey Through Christian Theology, Minneapolis:Fortress Press, 2010, ISBN 9780800696979, an anthology of theologians from the first to the 21st century with cartoons.
The Cartoon Gospel of John, A Serious Commentary with Cartoons, Chicago:ACTA, ISBN: 0-87946-273-6, 128 pages, full-color paperback.
The Cartoon Gospels, Dayton:Diesslin Press, 2002, ISBN 0-9702244-5-1, Cartoons following gospel lectionary passages.
The Cartoon Gospel (of Luke), New Berlin:Liturgical Publications, Inc., 1990, ISBN 0-940169-09-6, gospel cartoons for Year C.
and more!!!

School Presentations:

Fee: $200 for up to 2 sessions, $50 for each additional session, plus travel expenses.
Powerpoint presentation preferred (IBM PC or laptop, PC projector and screen required).
Transparencies can be used if requested in advance. Fees are negotiable so if your interested, contact us and we'll work something out.

School Presentations:

1) Introduction to Cartooning - A hands-on presentation for showing basic drawing tools and techniques, cartooning types and styles, storyboarding and drawing for animation. Ages: grades 4 - 12.

2) Fun with Drawing - A hands-on presentation showing basic drawing techniques mixed with examples from his cartooning. Ages: grades K - 6.

3) Self-Expression and Self-Discovery through Humor and Cartooning - A hands-on presentation including exercises aimed at showing how to harness our own creativity for fun, expression and discovery. Ages: grades 5 through 12.

4) Rich's Cartooning Career - A presentation focused on his cartooning and how he does it. The amount of detail and level of hands-on and participation is tailored to the age group(s) represented. Ages: grades K -12.

5) A Journey Through Christian Theology - A cartoon presentation highlighting significant contributions of theologians from the 1st to the 21st Century. Ages: 16 and up.

Presentations 1, 2 and 3 come with permission to make FREE copies of a workbook for each student for the purposes of the presentation. It is available as an Adobe Acrobat file (about 8 - 16 pages). Presentations versions: generic for public schools (default) or, if requested, scouting-oriented for scouting organizations; and religious for Christian and private schools. Presentation 5 has no generic version.

Retreats/Workshop on Christian Cartooning and Humor

This table provides the general information at a glance. More detail will be provided upon request. Other topics available on request!

Questions ...

Answers ...


  • Finding Humor and Insight in the Bible


Various -- including:

  • Cartooning and drawing
  • Humor
  • Audience participation
  • Skits

  • Cartoonist, Author
  • MA in Theology

  • Travel, expenses and flexible speaker's fee (i.e., set rate, free-will offering, etc.).
  • I like to get out and help people explore humor in the Bible and/or cartooning, so I'll work with you to keep it affordable!

  • Author/cartoonist of The Cartoon Gospel series (available on this website and at
  • Cartoonist of  A Journey Through Christian Theology, Fortress Press, 2000

Appropriate for
  • Retreats
  • Workshops
  • Presentations
  • Events (e.g. skits, cartooning exhibition)
  • Other (e.g. keynote, luncheon, dinner speaker)
  • Ages: Adult, College, Youth


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