The Cartoon Ten Commandments
The intent of this book is to convey the meaning of the Ten
Commandments (a.k.a., the decalogue) to children, youth and adults.
Each chapter is divided into two parts: 1) Basic Meaning and
2) Further Meaning.
Basic meaning is just that - a clear and simple explanation
of the commandment. It is at the level that children will understand,
yet also provide a good introduction to the Further Meaning section
for youth and adults. The Further Meaning section goes into more
depth on each commandment. It is aimed at providing more insight
and historical context to the commandments in a straight-forward
manner that youth and adults can appreciate. There is a cartoon
for each part as well.
While I have no choice but to write from a Christian perspective
(looking back based on the teachings of Jesus), it is important
to understand the Ten Commandments in their original, Israelite
context (looking forward based on teachings of Moses). I make
a deliberate attempt to separate the two perspectives so that
Jewish and Christian readers will appreciate the commentary.
ISBN 978-0-9702244-2-2
Kindle Version: Click