A Cartoon from the Jamboree Today Online and Nationally Syndicated Newspapers
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Special Guest Cartoonist - Ron Ferdinand - Dennis the Menace (Sunday)

Ron Ferdinand is the cartoonist behind the Sunday Dennis the Menace comic strip. As with the daily strip, Dennis the Menace runs in over 1,000 newspapers internationally. Today’s cartoon was created specifically to run in conjunction with the 2013 National Scout Jamboree in celebration of Boy Scouting and Venturing.

Jamboree Today's unusual long, vertical presentation of the comic is done specifically to optimize for the multiple electronic platforms — especially smart phones and tablets — which are in use at the jamboree.

So the Jamboree Today thanks Ron Ferdinand for his special guest comic. Learn more about Dennis the Menace at www.dennisthemenace.com.

Copyright © 2013 Richard Diesslin, all rights reserved. This image is copyright protected and may not be used or reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission of the owner.  Permission is usually granted for local troop/pack hardcopy newsletter use, but you need to ask (it's free)! Higher resolution images (color and black-and-white) and permissions are available with purchase of the KNOTS CD. Also the KNOTS Book and/or e-Book may be of interest! Licensing rights are also available for purchase. Thanks for your interest in KNOTS cartoons and your respect for our copyrights. Note: KNOTS Cartoons are not affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America or any other organization.

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