Baby Faces and Patterns!

September 2015

Cafe Press ...
Makes great Grandparent or Parent t-shirts and other items!

Keywords: otl cartoon, Diesslin, Cartoon,
baby figures, patterns, black and red, symmetry

As you can tell this little genuis is already using the remote to the TV, but prefers
to look at the baby faces and symmetrical patterns in red and black!
This works great from new born to about a year old.

Also ...

Free Gift for Parents of young babies! Young babies like to look at faces and symetrical objects as well as Black and Red. Instructions: 1) Print on card stock, 2) laminate and round all the edges and 3) only use while the child is being supervised. If unsupervised, she/he might advance at too accelerated of a rate, resulting in early college payments.

Download and Print!

Proof of Concept -- Abigail, the amazingly advanced child of 2 weeks, is shown here in the middle of a long staring session with the symetical red and black patterns and faces! Afterwards her Father was sure he heard her say E = mc squared.

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